An unfortunate reality of climbing and training is that it can leave us injured and unable to continue progressing in our sport.  While there are loads of different ways you can injure yourself climbing, one of the most common areas climbers injuries is their shoulders.   Additionally, shoulder injuries can also be some of the most serious and hard to rehab.  As a result, it is much better to start doing a preventative shoulder workout before you experience any kind of injury.

To help you get started keeping your shoulders strong, stable, and injury free, here’s a freebie shoulder workout taken from our Bouldering Training Program.


These are the videos of the exercises listed in the shoulder workout:

While the above workout is a screen shot taken from our  Bouldering Training Program, it’s only part of the program that includes three unique workouts a week to help you get up your dream project.  So if you like what you see, check out our Training Programs for more.  In addition to this program for boulders, there’s also one for route climbers as well as programs that specifically focus on endurance and power endurance.

Also, if the idea of preventative shoulder care for climbers is new to you, click through below to listen to this week’s Ask Kris Training Beta Podcast to learn more about how you can be proactive in ensuring you don’t injure your shoulders.

training programs for climbers

Listen To: Ask Kris 004 :: Shoulder Care for Climbers

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