Top 5 Power Endurance Training Articles

When you look up at a 100 foot sport climb, we all understand that you need good endurance to climb to the chains.  However, when you break down even the longest routes, the difference between success and failure often comes [...]

2017-09-18T06:35:23-06:00August 13th, 2017|Categories: Training Tips, Workouts|

Bouldering Training: Free Core Strength Workout

No matter what style of climbing you prefer, core strength is extremely important.  Having a strong core helps us keep our feet on the wall when climbing on overhangs and lets us use our feet more effectively not matter what angle [...]

2017-09-18T06:35:43-06:00July 24th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Workouts|

Bouldering Training – Free Bouldering Workout

When it come to training for bouldering, it can seem like the best and most enjoyable method is simply to session problems with friends in the gym.  While this approach may work for awhile, it is certainly not the most [...]

2017-09-18T06:35:55-06:00July 7th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Training Tips, Workouts|

Climbing Trip Tune-Up with Neil Gresham

For many climbers, travel is an essential part of the sport.  Not only do you get to experience new places and cultures, but you also expose yourself to different climbing styles and rock types which is an essential part of [...]

2017-09-18T06:35:57-06:00July 7th, 2017|Categories: Training Tips, Workouts|

Transcript Highlight: Daniel Woods on Training for Routes

I know what you're thinking.  Daniel Woods is a boulderer.  Why should I listen to him about training for sport climbs?  Well, the simple answer is that while Daniel is best know for being one of the strongest boulderers on [...]

2017-09-18T06:36:00-06:00June 30th, 2017|Categories: Training Tips, Transcript Highlights, Workouts|

Treadwall Training with Climbing Magazine

Training routes in a climbing gym can be tricky.  Even putting aside other hurdles like crowds, the main reason for this is that you need a partner to belay you.  While this may not seem like too big of a [...]

2017-09-18T06:36:09-06:00June 20th, 2017|Categories: Training Tips, Workouts|
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