Weight Management for Climbers

It's Neely here, and since I'm a nutritionist, of course weight management is going to be an interesting topic to me. And since you're a climber, it's also probably an interesting topic to you ;) Weight does have some bearing [...]

2019-11-02T21:44:36-06:00April 8th, 2015|Categories: Neely Posts, Nutrition|

Shoulder Surgery 3 Month Update

I (Neely) recently wrote a post describing my shoulder surgery (SLAP tear and bone spur, no anchors to repair the labral tear - just tenodesis and bone spur removal under the achromium) and the first 4 weeks of my recovery. [...]

2021-06-11T14:43:56-06:00February 20th, 2015|Categories: Injury prevention, Neely Posts|

Banana Tapioca Crepe Recipe

Looking for a new recipe for an awesome, tasty alternative to bread? If so, listen up:) For TrainingBeta.com founders Neely and Seth, this Banana Tapioca Crepe Recipe is the go-to for a gluten and grain-free carb source/sandwich wrap... "When people taste them, [...]

2017-09-18T06:47:21-06:00January 10th, 2015|Categories: Neely Posts, Nutrition|
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