Top 5 Strength Training Articles

Strength is the basis of hard rock climbing.  If you aren't strong enough for a climb, no amount of endurance is going to get you to the chains. Now, when it comes to rock climbing, we all know that finger [...]

2017-11-30T09:48:32-07:00November 29th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Training Tips|

Climbing Magazine – Effective System Board Training

Chances are you've all seen a system board before.  It's the mirrored training wall sitting in the corner of your gym collecting dust.  However, despite the fact that these boards aren't used all that often, when utilized properly they can [...]

2017-11-20T15:29:10-07:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Training Tips|

Rock and Ice: Campus-Board Fundamentals

When used properly, the campus-board is one the best tools we have available for developing climbing specific power.  However, campus-boards are also the training tool that is most commonly used incorrectly.  If you are going to campus, taking the time [...]

2017-11-17T11:26:42-07:00November 17th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Training Tips|

Evening Sends – 5 Minute Fingers

Here at TrainingBeta, we get asked a lot, "What's the best hangboard workout?"  Our answer, though, probably isn't what most people are looking for.  Sure, different hangboard protocols have different benefits and drawbacks, but, ultimately, the "best hangboard workout" is the [...]

2019-02-11T19:14:39-07:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Training Tips, Workouts|

Bouldering Training: Free Volume Workout

A new trend in training for bouldering is to put all the focus on doing the hardest possible moves.  While limit bouldering sessions are certainly important for building power, they do not allow you to do a larger volume of [...]

2017-11-04T12:03:18-06:00November 4th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Training Tips, Workouts|

Jonathan Siegrist – How Bouldering Has Helped his Sport Climbing

In climbing, most of us have our preferred style whether its sport climbing, trad climbing, or bouldering.  Many climbers even end up specializing and climbing within one of these disciplines almost exclusively. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with this kind [...]

2017-10-18T10:35:04-06:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: Bouldering Strength And Power, Pro Posts, Training Tips|
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