What do you eat to fuel up for a climb?  How about snacks for the day or for recovery after?  Rock and Ice Magazine recently published an article by Robert Portman PH.D about rock climbing nutrition and the role proper nutrition can play in improving climbing performance.  In this fairly in depth article, Portman lays out a rock climbing nutrition plan that he believes is tailored to the sport’s specific physiological and environmental demands.

“The ideal way to develop an effective nutrition plan is to segment your effort on every climb into three stages, recognizing that each stage has different nutritional needs:”

-Recovery” – Robert Portman PH.D

Portman goes on to lay out the specific nutritional demands of each of these three stages and stress the importance of proper hydration and the consumption of both carbohydrates and protein.  He ultimately praises the benefits of carb/protein/electrolyte sports drinks as meeting rock climbings nutritional demands in all three of the above stages.


As Portman notes, proper nutrition will not instantly make you skip grades.  However, consuming the right nutrition at the right times will properly fuel your climbing sessions ensuring you can climb more and recover faster.  Take a look a learn a bit more about rock climbing nutrition.

Click Here: Rock Climbing Nutrition: Eating Your Way to Better Climbing

(Photos courtesy of rockandice.com)

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