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Gnarly Nutrition Product Review

Athletes in almost all major sports use supplements to help them meet their nutritional needs. However, many climbers look at supplements with skepticism. We worry that supplements will either make us bulk up like bodybuilders or that they are simply a [...]

2018-04-09T16:42:15-06:00April 11th, 2018|

Rock and Ice: Recovery Nutrition

Rock and Ice has been running a three-part series on climbing nutrition. Installment one was all about crag snacks we can use for quick energy. Part two covered eating for all-day energy. Today, we have the third installment in the series [...]

2018-04-01T13:25:58-06:00April 2nd, 2018|

Climbing Nutrition – Intermittent Fasting

If you've made your way to TrainingBeta, then chances are you're looking to improve your climbing performance. As climbers, we can be pretty maniacal in our pursuit of higher and higher grades. For many of us, manipulating our diet in an [...]

2018-03-02T08:30:19-07:00March 2nd, 2018|

Climbing Nutrition: The Rules of Losing Weight

In his ongoing series on weight loss, Brian Rigby of Climbing Nutrition has been exploring the topic from a variety of different viewpoints. His aim is to take the complicated world of nutrition and distill it down to what is [...]

2018-02-11T16:03:11-07:00February 11th, 2018|

Climbing Nutrition: Food and Diet Attitudes

Sure, being light and lean is good for climbing performance. However, as climbers, we are athletes and, as athletes, we shouldn't just be looking for a quick way to shed a couple pounds. Instead, we should be looking to optimize [...]

2018-01-29T19:01:20-07:00January 29th, 2018|
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