As climbers we talk a lot about what sort of exercises will make us stronger and able to send our dream projects.  However, while we obsess over what sort of hangboard protocol will produce the biggest gains, we are neglecting a major component necessary for effective training: the mind.  Here’s an article by professional climber, friend of Training Beta, and training fanatic Jonathan Siegrist about just how important preparing the mind is for training to be effective.

“Before you push your body I believe you must prepare your mind. There is no short cut to growth, and training should be hard as hell – or it will never work. So how do you prepare for this challenge? How can you condition your mind to truly push your body?”

“Regardless of which training routine you choose, the best foundation is drive. Drive is in your commitment to growth, it is your persistence, it is your execution. No matter how talented you might be, how exceptional your gym is, or how much you paid for your gear – without this drive your training will never work.” – Jonathan Siegrist

To help you ready your mind, Jonathan talks about how to effectively set a goal, how to be persistent and track your progress, and how to transfer your mental strength to performance on the rock.

Ultimately, Jonathan does not cover any of the nuts and bolts of his training or what types of exercises or periodization you should adopt to maximize your gains.  Instead, he focuses entirely on his mental approach and the mindset necessary for training to truly be effective.  While this type of advice my not be as tangible as a prescribed workout, giving this article a close read and working to master this sort of driven mental approach will have a greater impact on your climbing progression than any other single change you make to your training.

climbing training programs

Click Here: Jonathan Siegrist and the Mental Approach to Training

(photo by Ari Prat Barnadas; courtesy of

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