Depending on where you live winter may mean prime sending conditions or a complete shut down of outdoor climbing options.  Either way, chances are there is at least part of the year where your local outdoor climbing options are out of season.  While it can definitely be a drag waiting for the seasons to change, your off-season is also a great time to move your climbing indoors, do some focused training, and make some serious gains so you can make the most of your time when the weather improves.

To help you make the most of this winter (or your next off-season), here’s an articles from Rock and Ice by Neil Gresham about how to keep your endurance training fresh and effective over your time away from outdoor cragging.

“Climbers tend to drift into a routine, and ignore those extra training principles that can make all the difference. Freshen up your endurance training by following these pointers.” – Neil Gresham

Gresham’s nine endurance training tips to help you break your routines and squeeze the most out of your training sessions are:

  1. Make a plan
  2. Start with general fitness and conditioning
  3. Vary the intensity of endurance
  4. Use an interval structure
  5. Try new methods – especially circuits and stick
  6. Work your weaknesses
  7. Leave time for exercise at the end of endurance sessions
  8. Set training goals
  9. Train antagonists and eat properly

Follow the link below to read more about these tips and how they can help you stay focused and improve your endurance over the winter or next off-season.

Also, if you are looking for more ways to revamp your training, whether it’s for routes or boulders, check out one of our training programs by clicking the banner below.

climbing training programs

Click Here: Neil Gresham – Endurance Training Tips for Winter

(photo courtesy of Edwin Teran / @edwinteran; climber: Dru Mack)

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