Have you ever thought about how exceptionally fit guides need to be to keep up with the demands of their job? It is essential that they train properly to maintain their strength and stay injury free.

Connie Sciolino, owner and head coach of the Alpine Training Center in Boulder, CO, works with athletes of all disciplines, including (but not limited to) ski, rock, and alpine guides, training them hard to keep them in great shape. She emphasizes a combination of strength and mobility work. This article from climbing.com shows some of the specific exercises Connie recommends to train like a guide.

For strength, the common exercises she recommends are the front squat, forearm plank, push-up, deadlift, and pull-up.

For mobility, she recommends Turkish get-ups, straight-arm plank, and shoulder dislocates.

Learn the exercises HERE: Train Like a Guide

***Also: Connie just created a strength and general fitness program for climbers for TrainingBeta that is coming out soon….stay tuned and get excited:) ***

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