(photo courtesy of planetgranite.com)

The shoulder joint is persnickety – it requires balance to stay happy.

Specifically, the shoulder requires three things to stay injury free:

  1. Balance of strength in the posterior musculature relative to the anterior musculature
  2. Balance of flexibility/mobility in the muscles and connective tissue from front to back
  3. Sufficient coordination and timing of muscle recruitment in the arm and shoulder blade

Let’s break these down and see how this applies to you…”   -Caroline Bourcier, MSPT

The Planet Granite (planetgranite.com) newsletter just came out with a really interesting article in it from a PT about shoulder health.  If you’ve ever had a shoulder injury you can appreciate how frustrating and painful it can be. Not to mention how hard it can make it to climb.

This article shows you 4 quick tests you can do to see how your shoulders are doing.

It also reminds us of the importance in working on our weaknesses to be well-rounded athletes. If your shoulders are bothering you (or any body part for that matter), taking 10 minutes out of your day to “stretch what’s tight and strengthen what’s weak“, can help keep you injury free….

CLICK HERE: The 4 Tests Every Climber Needs to Pass (link no longer available) 

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