For those of you looking to get started hangboarding- you probably have a few questions about how to go about it. Mike and Mark Anderson, authors of the Rock Climber’s Training Manual, have a great article on their site,, that describes a basic hangboard routine. (They do make note that “basic” does not mean “easy”, it just means uncomplicated:)…).

Their basic hangboard routine only includes dead hangs (so no lock offs or pull-ups) and is designed to be done with two hands on the hangboard for every rep (no one arm hangs).

In this article they talk about selecting a set of appropriate “exercises” (aka grip positions on the hangboard), and what they recommend for “sets” and “repetitions”. They explain using resistance during your hangboard workout and whether or not it’s appropriate. A short video is also included to demonstrate what a set looks like.

Hangboarding is an excellent way to improve finger strength. Sure, it can be boring, but the results make it worth it! Learn more by clicking below….

A properly-executed hangboard routine may not feel exhausting, but will thoroughly exhaust your fingers.” -Mark Anderson

CLICK HERE: The Anderson Brothers: A Basic Hangboard Routine

To hear more from Mike and Mark Anderson, listen to our podcast interview with them, here.

Also, be sure to check out their excellent guide to hangboard training, The Rock Climber’s Training Manual!

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