Great news! Sarah Groman, a climber and physical therapy student, just released a first-of-its-kind video about foam rolling for climbers on the site. Her video is a full length foam roller workout that targets areas of the body specifically for climbers.

In case you’ve never used a foam roller, Sarah gives a great introduction….

Foam rolling is a tension-relieving method known as self-myofascial release. Essentially, the pressure from the foam roller decreases tension between the muscle and the fascia (areas commonly known as “knots”). For those who have never done a foam-rolling workout before, here are some things to know before going into it:

  • It’s probably going to hurt the first few times. You’ll find pressure points you didn’t know existed
  • If done right, it is a workout. Your legs are going to be doing more work than you realize and they provide most of the movement as support, as well as your abs as they will give the most control, provided they are engaged.
  • Engage your abs. These movements need to be as controlled as possible.
  • As with any workout, remember to breathe.
  • If you have a muscle that is strained or pulled, do not roll that muscle, as it will cause more irritation.” -Sarah Groman

Most gyms these days have a foam roller if you don’t own one. They are a great tool for recovery!

The article on Climb On, Sister! also includes a written description of all the muscle groups covered, further explaining what is happening in the foam rolling video.

Check it out!



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