How good are you about actually trying hard? If you know you might fall or fail at a hard boulder problem or route do you go for it anyway? Or shy away and stick to the easier stuff you know well?

Have you ever noticed that all of the best climbers at the crag have one thing in common? They are the ones falling off routes. They fail more often than novices, so that they can succeed more often, too. Are you one of the ones who tends to stick to the same routes, the classics, or the toprope area? When it comes time to drop the clutch, do you grit teeth and go up or do you scramble desperately down to your last piece of pro?” -Steve Bechtel

This article was written by Steve Bechtel, from his site (Steve is also the author of Strength: Foundational Training for Rock Climbing) about trying hard and what it can do for your climbing.

Have you ever thought that failing time and time again may deliver the message to your body that it needs to improve? In order to improve when you’re climbing, you need to do some limit-level climbing and that’s going to mean failing at times.

You need to go hard at times and know when the right thing to do is take it easy. If you’re following a training plan, actually follow it. Plans can’t work as well if you don’t do the work.

Believe in your training, eat well, and get enough sleep:) Learn more about trying hard when you’re training by reading Steve’s article in full….

CLICK HERE: How Hard Do You Try?

(photo courtesy of

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