Getting a little too pumped while you’re climbing? Are you falling because of it?

If so, improving your power endurance through some climbing training could be just what you need. So, what is power endurance and how can you train for it?

 “Unlike endurance, where you have a manageable pump, in training power endurance you will become very pumped to the point of possibly coming off the wall. Power endurance is the ability to do many difficult moves and not get pumped”. -Jackie Pettitt

Who doesn’t want that?

This is an article from that includes an awesome workout for training both power and endurance. This climbing training workout was written by trainer Jackie Pettitt from MetroRock Climbing Center.

This power endurance workout includes a solid “boot camp” warm-up. Following the warm-up are five sets of exercises.

For instance:

Intervals: 18 Minutes x2
To do climbing intervals for power endurance, you essentially find an area of overhung wall, where you can boulder in a circle, or continuously on over hung wall for the following periods:

1 minute on, 1 minute rest
2 minutes on, 2 minutes rest
3 minutes on, 3 minutes rest
2 minutes on, 2 minutes rest
1 minute on, 1 minute rest
If you fall off, try and get right back on.  A good way to do these is with a partner, you rest while cheering on your partner while she does hers.

Give this climbing training workout a try and improve your ability to climb through the pump….

CLICK HERE: Climbing Training: Power Endurance

(photo courtesy of

If you’re looking for more power endurance training be sure to check out our 6-Week Power Endurance Training Program!


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