You know those times when you’re climbing and you do a move that puts you in a stretched-out-at-full-extension position (kinda starfished feeling?)? How strong does your core feel in that moment? Or in trying to make the next move?

This article targets building strength in that extended abdominal position.

Written by strong boulderer (and pilates instructor) Ann Raber, this article is from the Climb On, Sister! site ( about training your core. Her article includes a video of the bouldering ab workout she recommends.

As Ann Raber puts it:

“‘Core strength’, which in Pilates land we consider everything from the inner thighs up to the shoulder blades, is critical to controlling my body on steep terrain. And “doing abs”, which is what in Bouldering land we call doing crunches and stuff to strengthen the muscles on the front of the lower half of the torso, is not enough once you’ve reached those higher levels of powerful climbing.” 

With that in mind, learn a new ab workout to improve your climbing by checking out this article and Ann Raber training video….

CLICK HERE: Bouldering Ab Workout

(photo courtesy of

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