If you don’t have access to a campus board or find you’re not quite strong enough to do a campus ladder exercise- fear not! There are other ways to train power.

In this article from nicros.com, Eric Hörst talks about basic power training for climbing. He describes three complex-training couplets to develop power; two to work on pull-muscle power and one to work on push-muscle power.

Confused about when power comes into play when you’re climbing? Think strenuous, quick reaches on steep terrain for example.  Eric describes the physiology behind power and how the exercises he recommends can be beneficial:

Think of “power” as strength expressed with speed. Therefore, you can best train to improve power by coupling a high-resistance strength exercise (which by necessity is performed slowly) and a similar lower-resistance exercise that can be performed with speed. The strength exercise will recruit a large number of muscular motor units (both fast and slow twitch) to work in unison while the high-speed exercise will then train these motor units to turn on quickly (thus building reactive strength and improving the stretch-shortening cycle energy return of the tendons).”

Read the article in full by clicking below and learn new exercises you can be doing to increase your power in climbing, without a campus board….

CLICK HERE: Basic Power Training (Without a Campus Board)

(photo courtesy of nicros.com)

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