“One of the biggest barriers to effective progress as a rock climber, ironically, can be training in a commercial climbing gym. Oh, sure, there are good gyms around, but they’re rare and many lack certain very useful things. These things can range from lacking a good hangboard, to limited hours, to sandbagged problems, to too much cave and not enough vertical terrain (yes, I really said that).

….And although lack of tools can be a huge barrier to effective training, it’s no excuse. You’ve got a job to do. Don’t fall to the level of the gym you’re training in- just up your game.” -Steve Bechtel

Steve Bechtel, of climbstrong.com (and author of Strength: Foundational Training for Rock Climbing) wrote this really interesting article giving guidance on how to navigate your nearest climbing gym despite what it may lack. (Helpful advice too if you’re traveling and need to be able to make the most of an unfamiliar climbing gym you come across, no matter how small or basic).

The more I learn about training, the more I see that it’s the climber, not the program that makes the difference. I think the magic moment that separates those that get better from those that stay put is when a climber gets to a move that might mean falling. It’s what happens in that moment that will define a career”. –Steve Bechtel

His training session ideas for any gym include: repeat efforts, 2 different circuitswork sessions,  and progressive links.

These sessions will help you to learn pacing, efficiency, how to try hard, and how to maintain good technique while fatigued. Pretty sweet. Check it out and learn how to train in any gym….

READ IT HERE: Sessions For Any Gym 


steve bechtel podcast interview

Also, in case you missed it: check out our podcast interview of Steve Bechtel…Steve Bechtel on Training, Power Endurance, Running, Weight Loss, and More

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