Doing hangboard workouts allows me to maximize my time by (hopefully) building a solid climbing base for spring during our cold season, and also have enough time for other things too, so it is great.” -Steph Davis

Recently we posted an article by Steph Davis about her hangboard workout program (Hangboard Workout for Climbing: How and Why).

This article from her blog,, takes a step back- Steph Davis explains more about how to build a good hangboard set-up like the one she has and shares some useful tips for training too.

She explains exactly the hardware you need if you want to build a pulley system with your hangboard (useful for taking off some weight to help with smaller grips) and how to properly build it. Steph also mentions the interval timer set-up she uses for her hangboard workouts- a tabata timer. There’s a free iPhone app for that, which she talks about too.

Next, Steph talks about her warm-up routine and then her actual hangboard workout (for more information on that, refer back to the first article).

Steph also describes how she started keeping a training journal to track her progress and it sounds really useful…

I write down what weights I used for each set, and how it felt—this way I know whether I should remove weight or stay the same for the next workout.”

To wrap it up, Steph explains what was recommended to her for fitting climbing in with your hangboard workouts.

Read the article in full to learn some really useful tips for getting started on the hangboard….

CLICK HERE: Hangboard Workout for Climbing, Getting Started

(photo courtesy of

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