Been feeling slight twinges in your elbow? Or have you noticed elbow pain with certain movements, but not always? Check out what the Climbing Doctor has to say about this:

There’s no better way to celebrate your impressive ascent of the pink-taped route at the gym than with an ice-cold beer. But when you twist the cap off that high-dollar Pabst, you feel a twinge in the back of your elbow, then again when you pick up the remote to tune into the latest episode of American Ninja Warrior.

You might notice that only specific movements cause pain. Sometimes twisting a doorknob is more painful than licking a crimp at your belly button.

If you’re experiencing something similar, you might have climber’s elbow, more commonly referred to as tennis elbow or scientifically known as lateral epicondylitis.

-Dr. Jared Vagy (aka the Climbing Doctor)

Sound like something you’re experiencing? recently posted this great article about preventing climber’s elbow by Dr. Jared Vagy.

He talks about what causes lateral elbow pain, what you should look for, and he shows you how to do the best exercise to prevent it.

CLICK HERE: How to Prevent Climber’s Elbow

(photo courtesy of

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