I’s, Y’s, and T’s are excellent exercises for shoulder stability, strengthening, and rehab.


With Dumbbells – Get an inclined bench and lower it to about a 45-degree angle with the floor. Choose two dumbbells of equal weight. Sit facing the bench so that when you lean forward, your chest is resting on the bench. Pick up the weights, and lift both arms straight out in front of your head, forming an “I” with your body. Bring your arms back down to neutral and repeat.

No Weights – You can alternatively do this with no weights on the floor. Lie with your forehead on the floor (or on a mat) and bring your arms above your head, resting on the floor, forming a straight line with your body. Lift your arms off the floor at the same time, bring them back down, and repeat.


Do the same as with the I’s (with or without the weights), but form the letter “Y” instead of an “I” by moving your arms out at about a 45-degree angle from your head. Bring your arms back down to neutral and repeat.


Do the same as with the I’s (with or without the weights), but form the letter “T” instead of an “I” by moving your arms out at about a 90-degree angle from your head. Bring your arms back down to neutral and repeat.

Make this easier by not using weights.

Make this harder by using heavier weights, and/or performing the exercise on an exercise ball instead of an inclined bench.

I’s, Y’s, & T’s are used in our rock climbing training programs available on this page.

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