Training and Climbing for People with Full-Time Jobs: Team Episode with Matt, Alex, and Neely

Most people have full-time jobs. Otherwise, we would not last long in this absurdly expensive society. So while it would be nice to just have all the time in the world to think about climbing, go climbing, and train at the gym, that’s simply not the case for many of us. We have to fit climbing in around our work schedules, and that can be a challenge.

In this episode, I talked with coaches Alex Stiger and Matt Pincus about how they coach their clients to make the best use of their time outside of work to train and climb. And I talk about how to eat well throughout every day, regardless of what your busy schedule looks like.

We looked at three case studies:

  • The 9-5 employee
  • Shift workers (health care workers, etc)
  • Parent who may or may not have a job

Things We Covered

  • How to fit training in even on work days for a shift worker
  • What to do on days off after shift work stint is over
  • Nutrition tips for shift workers
  • Should 9-5’ers focus on bouldering to make the most of their time?
  • How often to be training and climbing
  • Making sure to vary sessions
  • Different climbing/training schedules for weekend warriors
  • How to avoid overtraining
  • How to avoid perfectionism
  • Importance of having a plan B if you’re a parent
  • Usefulness of home walls for parents
  • Bonus Content on Patreon

Patreon Bonus Content

There’s some bonus content at the end of this episode about:

  • Having FOMO when we see pros’ training plans on social media
  • How to know what’s right for YOU
  • Minimum effective dosage of hanging and weight lifting
  • How my climbing training has evolved to be almost completely on-the-wall and why that’s still considered “training”
  • What is “training” exactly?
  • You can find that bonus content and the uncut, ad-free episode without intro or outro on my Patreon page.

Listen on iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify

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