Date: October 7th, 2016

trainingbeta podcast


About Colette McInerney

Colette McInerney is a 34-year-old climber who’s been living on the road climbing for the past decade or so. She makes a living as a videographer and photographer all over the world. She’s climbed up to 5.14a, and she just did another one of Black Diamond’s training bootcamps to see how strong she could get.

I wanted to interview Colette because she’s really intriguing to me as a friend, and because she’s so laid back that it kind of surprised me that she did the bootcamp at all.

Colette McInerney Interview Details

In this interview with Colette McInerney, we talk about her evolution as a climber and videographer/photographer. Her moderate and laid-back approach to life and climbing is refreshing to me, and her success after the bootcamp is inspiring.

  • Making a living on the road
  • Her long plateau with climbing
  • BD Bootcamp tactics and results
  • Most effective part of training
  • Dealing with injuries on the road
  • Being a “lifer” with climbing

Colette McInerney Links

Colette’s BD Bootcamp Video


Training Programs for You

FrictionLabs Discount

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FrictionLabs (my favorite chalk company by far) is offering you a discount on their awesome chalk – woot! Just visit to get the discounts.

Please Review The Podcast on iTunes!

  • Link to the TrainingBeta Podcast on iTunes is HERE.
  • Please give the podcast an honest review on iTunes here to help the show reach more curious climbers around the world 😉

Photo Credit

Colette McInerney


Coming soon!


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